We are a God centered community driven organization created to prove a space for growth naturally and spiritually and to feel loved, needed and connected with God. As we seek God and delight in His presence through worship, teaching and communal companionship, we invite you to join us and hope that you enjoy your time with us.

About Us

As some of us know, seeking your purpose and faith can sometimes bring feelings of hurt, sadness, and even frustration. We trust in the anointing of God which enables us to experience breakthroughs and freedom from the tyranny of demons, poverty, and other experiences of brokenness naturally and spiritually. Connect Community Outreach Center is a place where you can experience the love of Jesus, the mercy of the Father, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

We firmly believe in God’s amazing favor and life changing ability. We want everyone to benefit from His favor and life changing breakthroughs which enable them to share their experiences of the anointing of God with others. We empower communities through Gospel Centered Outreach Programs.

Learning Opportunities and Courses

Our Basics is a course intended to help new and maturing believers. You will learn the basic principles concerning Faith, Christianity, God and the Bible. This three week course is designed to help build a solid Biblical foundation of faith and answer questions concerning God’s will and purpose for your life.

Our Beliefs

We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the only true and living God, born of the virgin Mary.

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost”

We believe that he died on the cross for our sins and was raised from the grave on the third day by the Father God with all power in heaven and in earth especially the power to forgive sin.

We believe in living a clean and holy life, we believe in miracles, signs and wonders even the forgiveness of sins.

We also believe in the imminent return of Jesus in which the born again believer will be raptured away to meet him and to join him in heaven and so shall we ever be with the Lord Jesus who will govern the world with justice and love.

Meet oUr Team

Jhon Doe

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Jhon Doe

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Jhon Doe

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Want to Connect with Us?

Sign up today by clicking the link if you would like to feel closer to God and become a part of a community where you will feel loved, respected and connected to God and others. You can also send us a message using the link below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Client Testimonials

Prayer Schedule